Frequently Asked Questions

· Complete necessary construction plans, bidding documents and engineers estimate by a licensed professional engineer
· To obtain the necessary permits and approvals from local, state, and federal agencies and units of government.
· Coordinate with utilities companies to avoid conflicts during construction
· Perform Public Involvement (if needed)
· Proactive approach to cost-effective design solutions to minimize unnecessary costs to the client
· Perform construction management services to assure the quality of the project is being completed according to the project specifications.
Typical range for design services for a bridge replacement is 12-18 months. This includes survey, hydrology, hydraulics, public involvement, preliminary bridge and approach plans, environmental document, design study report, agency/utility coordination, right-of-way plat (if needed), final bridge and approach plans, and plans, specifications, and estimate.
Typical range is 3-5 months to complete the survey, hydrology, hydraulics, agency/utility coordination, plan preparation, bidding documents, and engineers estimate.
· Wetlands are protected both by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (State Level) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Federal Level).
· Wetland fill permits can be obtained from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
· Property owners can request a change in flood zone of their property. A Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or a Letter of Map Revision Base on Fill (LOMR-F) can be requested.
· Both the LOMA and LOMR-F need to be completed by a Licensed Professional Engineer.
Typically property owners are directed by their insurance agency to either hire a structural engineer or building inspector prior to inhabiting the damaged structure.